Fiber Artists Network News

July 2024 Meeting

We're in good shape for our exhibit. Graphics are complete. A draft email was sent to everyone. A few details need updating our inventory spreadsheet. Otherwise, we're ready for a super show. Remember that all details must be in the inventory sheet before July 21 so wall cards can be printed and the show layout can begin.

Welcome to Mary Kelley. Here are a few of her original pieces that she shared.

Linda shared the piece she will have in the exhibit.

We will meet next month on the 14th to make sure there are no loose ends before setup day.

June 2024 Meeting

All task teams are on track for our exhibit in August. Be prepared to make the $20 contribution to expenses at our July meeting or contact Dawn directly if you can't be at the July meeting.

I apologize I didn't take pictures but Cynthia S. shows us the way she documents and stores her art pieces using the large clear plastic bag. Cynthia Crull shows us all the pieces she has submitted for the show. I think we all love the "Diversity" quilt. Debbie, Cynthia C. and I attended the Joomchi class at the Greenville Center and I brought a few samples. If anyone is interested in that process, let me know at the July meeting and we'll schedule a "play" session.

We had a good discussion on what "original art work" means and I think most of us gained clarity on work that is inspired by, in the style of, emulated, and original. For those who were not at the meeting, we'll give a brief overview at the July meeting and answer any questions you have about the subject. If there is any other topic you would like to bring to the group, please do so. 

We also talked about hanging devices, sleeves, wire, dowels, etc. So if you have questions about how to make any modifications for your pieces for hanging, bring them up in July meeting.

Hope to see you on July 10th at 10 a.m. at Carolina Quilt Studio.

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May 2024 Meeting

The materials we will use to market the exhibit include a bookmark for distributing to physical locations, 8.5x11 posters as needed, a large poster to use in the gallery, The primary graphic for these items will be provided electronically so members can include them in their email invitations. The estimated cost for all these is between $50-75 total. 

Cynthia Steward will create wall cards for all our pieces. The information for these is due by July 31 (the sooner the better) even if you are still working on a piece for the show you'll need to provide this info:

Send your info directly to Cynthia.

  1. Name of Piece
  2. Name of Artist
  3. Brief description that might include inspiration, materials used, etc. Couple of sentences.
  4. Dimensions
  5. Price or NFS (Not for Sale)
We will send a promo to all quilt guilds in the area. We will also contact a number of Simpsonville businesses to ask permission to put up a poster. JFM will also provide a draft email invitation that you can personalize. Cindy will also provide a graphic that you can post in your social media accounts and we recommend that you post it 30 days prior to 8/16 and again 2-3 days prior.

JFM has created a general info page online that you can include as a link in your emails and we will include it in our promo material. It's still in draft but feel free to check it out:

Get your bios and artist statements to Tammy by June 12th. If you need help, reach out to Tammy, Susan, or JFM.

JFM will set up a back screen and lights for taking pictures of artwork if you need to do so. Please contact her to set up a time as soon as you can for the first week of June. Phyllis, Karen, and Susan have offered to let us use some backdrop material.

Cindy is designing the artwork and you'll be seeing that in June.

Please email Susan with how many email invitations you will send. The refreshment committee will need that by mid-July but the sooner the better.

JFM will create a binder with a printout of all artists bios/statements for display in the gallery.

JFM showed a canvas covering technique presented recently by a SAQA member. It's similar to the one Cynthia shows us and is useful for some pieces. If anyone is interested in a demo, I'll do one in the June meeting but let her know.

Cindy's Work

Karen's Work

Karen also showed a unique hanging technique using the following products in a sleeve. The metal bar in the sleeve can be found at Home Depot or Lowe's.

Johnnie's Work

Susan's Found Treasures - Ice Dyed

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April 2024 Meeting 

First, I failed to post the March meeting summary so scroll down and check out the good stuff we shared.

Second, great news. The Blue Ridge Mountains Arts Center notified me yesterday that they want to host our Fiber Expressions exhibit. They are even offering their largest gallery space if we want it. I will begin working with them at the beginning of next week and update you all our opportunity. No dates yet. But, if any of you would like to present a 3-hour workshop at the beginning of the exhibit, please let me know. I am going to do some water soluble work and how to make a custom Christmas stocking. You will be compensated for the workshop but I don’t know the rate right now. Also, if you become a member of the arts center you can keep two items for sale in their gift shop. I’ve had success selling there.

Here are some links that will give you an idea of the space.

blue ridge mountains art center - Search (

Blue Ridge Mountains Arts Association and Art Center - Home (

Now, the pretty stuff from April.

Work from Jean:

Jean has really brought life into this project since our last meeting. Check out this piece in the March meeting summary. 

Work from Debbie:

Yes indeed, that’s fiber art.


Work from Cynthia:

Welcome Cynthia, we have a lot to learn from your work.


 Work from Karen:

This woman is on fire!

Work from Cynthia Steward:

As always, we have questions about Cynthia’s work that we think of on the way home. Mine is, how did you get the “raw” edge on your painted piece. It’s so appropriate for your design. And I know lots of us are googling mulberry paper.


Work from Cindy:

Cindy is becoming the “improv piecing” queen, woohoo. And her gears keep turning in fun directions.

Susan will send an email when she has the milestones and details of exhibit progress documented.

March Meeting Summary

I apologize that I didn't publish a summary but here are the pretty things:

Cynthia's helpful instructions on attaching work to a frame:

Trish's fabulous fabric. Please remind us at the next meeting what this process is called. I forgot to write it down.

Tammy's fiber sculpture:

Cindy's great dollar store adventure, etc.

Karen's "Bag Challenge" and an "off shoot."

Yes, I will wear this at our exhibit opening YIKES! 

Look where Jean started with this first piece.

Linda's glorious hand painted and pieced work:

February Meeting Summary

We took additional measurements of the Simpsonville Art Center's gallery and Susan will update the spreadsheet in our shared folder.

Cynthia brought a product she has success with for labeling your work. It seems particularly helpful for projects for sale that don't require extra special hand-sewn labels. You can print on it and rite on it.

Susan will bring a list of tasks needed for our exhibit to the next meeting and begin communicating about project submission deadlines, etc. We will return to Carolina Quilt Studio to meet at 10:00 a.m. on the second Wednesday of each month. I'll send a reminder the first week of March.

We met at Sidewall Pizza (really good salads) and showed and shared. Special thanks to Tricia for bringing a wonderful box of yarn, beads, threads, and lots of shiny sparkly things.

OMG, look what I found on Amazon: : copper mesh slug control

Here's the site where I got the funky papers: they are called Dako Neutral Toned Mesh Tape Pack.

Dako Neutral Toned Mesh Tape Pack - Taperlogy

Phyllis' Work

Jean's Work

Tricia's Work

Tammy's Work

Susan's Work
Susan had this fabric printed from a gel plate print she made on paper.

Cindy's Work

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January 2024 Meeting Summary

We made good progress on plans for our exhibit at the Simpsonville Arts Center. Pictures of our shared work are below. Go to the Simpsonville Exhibit page for details from Susan. We will keep all information about the exhibit on that page.

Cindy's Work

Cynthia's Work

Below is how Cynthia keeps track of her work.

Dawn's Work

Debbie's Work

Jean's Work

Karen's Work

Sara's Work

Susan's Work

October Meeting

Important News

With everyone being so busy during the holiday season, we decided to pause our meetings until January. However, some of us will be getting together to do learning/playing so watch out for emails about those types of activities.

We got our “bag” challenge goodies. No rush on that challenge but keep the size no larger than 16”x20” and have fun. If anyone wants one and didn’t have a chance to come to the meeting, please let Cindy know. I know Susan Rink wanted me to get one for her and I remembered it for a few minutes then buggers I forgot. Thanks to Cindy for making this challenge happen.

I will take some pictures of the funky fabric I mentioned and send them out next week so you can decide if you can use any of it.

Also, for our next meeting in January, bring a few samples of how you finish and hang your work, sleeves, hooks, rods, etc.

Resources to investigate:

Barbara Schneider Portfolios (

SAQA 3D SIG - Barbara Schneider - YouTube

For taking better pictures of your work, Debbie recommended this used by her photographer friend at the art shop in Travelers Rest: Black Flocked Velvet Fabric for upholstery, craft ,curtain ,draping.  The brand is Lushes Curtains, sold by the yard.

Tape Sara mentioned this hanging method she used in a class:


Artfields – November 1st is date to submit but check the link below for dates of show.


About ArtFields | Art Competition, Festival & Year Round Programs (

The pictures below do not do justice to the creative,
exciting pieces shown below.

 Cindy's Work

Sara’s Work

 The first piece below was created in a Sue Benner class. Look up Sue Benner's work. She's one of my favorite.

Cynthia’s Work


Karen’s Work


Debbie’s Work (submitted to ArtFields)

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September Gelli Plate Printing and More

Many thanks to Susan for hosting our "get outside the box" event with gel plate printing. We welcomed a new kindred soul to the group - Tammy. Those of you in the Modern Quilt Guild may have met her. Please forgive me if I didn't spell your name correctly Tammy.

There was some fiber art sharing also. Here are four fabulous pieces done by Cynthia from a Katie PM creativity class that we all drooled over:

Let's give Susan a huge round of applause for her first improv with curves. She said she'll add a bit more stitching and do a bit of cropping. Can't wait to see the finish.

I think I have grouped the following Gelli prints on fabric and paper by artist but accept my apologies if I have mixed up some. Check out what Rita and Cindy did with some of my orphan blocks. And I didn't photograph all ... there was a lot of printin' goin' on in Simpsonville.





Next adventure ... ice dying. More info to come.

Cindy has started stuffing bags for a winter challenge and will have them available at our next meeting.

I will speak with Dale this week to see if we can get time to meet at CQS in October on a Thursday morning and update y'all. 

Stay creative!!

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August Meeting

Remember to update your calendar for the gel plate printing session at Susan Rink's house on 9/18 at 10:00. Bring your lunch. Her address is in the email.

Most of us like the 10:00 a.m. time for our group meeting but I still have to confirm with Dale if the third Thursday at 10:00 is available. There may be a longarm group meeting that day but I will send out an email as soon as I can.

Cindy Moore is coordinating our "goodie bag" challenge for December so bring any fun stuff you would like to contribute to Susan's house or to our next meeting. 

There was lots of talent on the sharing table this month!

Karen's work:

This is an example of two talents: purse making and freeform beading art.

Cindy's Work:

It was great fun to see how Cindy dyed and over-dyed commercial fabric to make them take on texture and depth. 

And look what she did with the piece of quilt she cut from one of my "not so happy" projects. Very cool indeed.

Charline's work:

Back from a bead convention trip, she has again brought back some exciting material (yep, it's vinyl) and really cool beads.

Phyllis's work:

I wish I had taken a shot of the back of the purse; it's also spectacular.

Jean's work:

Jean made the notebook cover and flower while at the American Sewing convention in New York where Phyllis made her bag.

June Meeting

We discussed changing our meeting day and time to the second Wednesday at 10:00 a.m. This helps those who drive longer distances reduce traffic stress. We have not talked to Dale about it yet but please let me know if this would work for you. I will definitely confirm the next meeting date early in July so nobody makes a wasted trip.

Our group is confirmed for a 6-week exhibit at the Simpsonville Arts Center beginning in July. Start thinking about what you want to exhibit. You can sell or not sell. The center does not handle the sales so each of us will need a short bio and a business card or contact information card. Since I live close to the arts center, I will be happy to help with coordinating sales, deliveries, etc.

Cynthia shared the tape shown below that she uses on her thread to keep it from spreading all over the place. When she uses a spool, she sticks the tape on a convenient place on her machine and replaces it when she's done. It comes in several widths so there should be a width for the size spools you have. I have ordered some so I will definitely share my experience with it next meeting.

Good news for Debbie who sold both her baskets at the Blue Ridge Mountains Art Center show going on until the 7th of July. Donnie presented a machine embroidery class at his quilt guild recently, with Dave's expert assistance of course. He's planning to put some of his work in our show, woo hoo! Charline and Karen are gearing up for Houston. I completed a course on Gelli plate printing and will share a few good ideas from the course next meeting.

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May Meeting

We shared lots of sources of cool materials at the meeting and Cindy and Cynthia brought samples they made for Sara's dark sky effect. Those samples alone brought to light numerous materials and techniques. Here's Cynthia's sample. 

I was not on my best camera duty during this meeting. Susan brought fabulous hand-made buttons and I failed to get a shot. Geez!

Sara's Work

Phyllis' Work

Johnnie's Work

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April Meeting

WOW! The 5"X7" share was a first for me. What a joy to see the fabulous work of fabulous friends. Here are each participant's gifts:








And behind every art quilt is a fascinating story and a learning experience for all of us. Here are a few other cool works.




March Meeting

Selene shared her current fiber project and updated us on her progress to hold a fiber arts fair in our area.

Debbie's Work

"Smash Goard" Reed Bowl, Multi-Media Art, and Jewelry

Cynthia's Work

Four Seasons, Peachtree, Framing Technique (instruction sheet attached to the email I sent)

Susan's Work 

    Original Designs on Fabric

Johnnie's Work

Lesson #3 in Katie PM online design course and some 3-D pieces

Cindy's Updated Work

 Saluda Grade and Pearson Falls

Pat's Work

    Picture on it's way...check back soon.

5"x7" Share

    Sara gave us a preview of her 5"x7" postcards she will share. Can't wait! 

    Here's how we plan to share. Bring seven 5"x7" pieces. I will have seven bags. We each will put one of our pieces in each bag after proper photos are taken. I will bring pieces of paper numbered 1-7 and pass around a bowl for each of us to draw from. You will then take the bag matching your number. You will get one of your pieces back to "barter" with if you wish.

Cool Products

    One of the most valuable things I learn from our group is the wide variety of products used in fiber art projects. This week I learned about:

  • Shirtailor interfacing (ordered some from JoAnn's), 
  • Golden coarse pumice gel, 
  • David M. Kessler's color wheel, and
  • Krylon UV protection. 

Name Tags

    If you have a custom name tag, it would be helpful to wear it for meetings. I will bring a pack of paper name tags for those who want to go that route. 

Blue Ridge 2023 Quilt Show and Sale

    I attached the pdf files about this show/sale to the email I sent. You'll find the links and website url in those documents if you are interested in participating. I am going to submit several of my yarn bowls and 3-D pieces, and one art quilt this year. I will send an email when I hear about reeds being accepted as fiber.

Have a great month...see y'all on April 13th.

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February Meeting 

We had the privilege of enjoying some WOW projects this month and learning about some great resources and opportunities.

  • Surburban Paint Company on North Avenue is not just house paint. Check them out for fabric paint, etc.

  • Dollar Tree/Dollar Stores in general. Check out the craft isle. Charline got some great "ribbon" that can be used to embellish or be a template for printing at the Dollar Tree on Woodruff.
  • Susan shared info on a fabulous potter in Simpsonville. She's made buttons, bowls, tags to identify her jams/jellies, etc. The potter is interested in putting together an exhibit of miniatures across a wide spectrum of media. Susan shared tiny mugs that are fabulous. I am interested in putting in mini-quilts, especially 3-D free standing ones. I'll post info when I contact the potter.

  • Fabric paint/pens. Sara shared two brands of pens that she uses on her quilts and said she likes both but prefers the POSCA. You'll see the results on her work shown below.

  • Mini-quilt/art share. We still have 9 participants and over a month and a half to get them done. As a reminder, they should be 5"x7" and have a finished edge. Your choice on the edging, binding, zigzag, couching yarn, etc.
  • Quilt show/sale at the Blue Ridge Mountains Art Center in June. I attached the detailed info on the email I sent after the meeting. I will be happy to take your pieces up and bring them back. They don't have to be traditional quilts, they can be framed, applied to a canvas, a free standing piece, a book cover (like Debbie's shown below). They just have to be fiber art. We can talk more in our March meeting since the entry deadline is in April. You can enter up to five pieces.

Debbie's Work

I failed to get a picture of one of Debbie's pieces that she created using the soy recipe but it was a beautiful flower. She will stitch it and show it at a future meeting I hope. Her book cover, and the art piece below show the breadth of her design talent and beautiful stitching.

Cindy's Work

Cindy's piece is a map of a bike ride and has bicycle parts attached. The colors are so much more vibrant than the photo shows. Innovative indeed.

Sara's Work
The top piece is a "challenge" with me on a fabulous fabric we got at Carolina Quilt Studio. It's hard to see all the faces Sara has found in the fabric that she has stitched but it's still a work in progress. I shared my idea for the challenge and will begin work on it this week. She used some of the pens shown above in the second piece below.

Charline's Work

Charline has added the technique of curved piecing to her vast list of creative adventures. This piece is still a work in progress and will take on more life and fun as she adds her embellishments and stitching. You can't see the one on her lap and I failed to take a picture but I think it will in the mini-share.

Johnnie's Work
The top two projects are lessons from my online class with Katie Pasquini Masopust. I'll share her critiques next time. The others are just my fiddling around with the 5"x7" shares and a 3-D piece.

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January Meeting 

Mini Share Details

The "mini" pieces should measure 4"x6" or 5"x7" and have a finished edge. Finished can mean bound, zigzaged, edged with yarn or lace, etc. It should be ready to display, mount, frame, or put on an easel. It can be a quilt sandwich or not, pieced, stitched, embellished, your choice is unlimited. The mini pieces will be exchanged at our April meeting. If life throws you a curve and you need to drop out, please let me know so I can alert the group to reduce their production to fewer pieces.

Nine of us are participating in our group "mini quilt" share project:


Great Resouce for Crafting

Not only will their facilities and shop help any type of crafting and art, it helps the community. They are at 525 Haywood Road, Greenville, SC.  Here's a bit from their website:

ReCraft Creative Reuse Center

  • Artistic Expression: inspire with supplies, events, programming, and a retail store

  • Environmental Education: divert valuable material from local landfills

  • Community Resourcefulness: foster meaningful interaction and shared resilience


If you search FOSShape 300 you can find multiple sources but I got the 2-yard pack from Wonderflex through Amazon. Fosshape 300 (2 Yards)

If you want to order some, let me know if you want to do a joint order and split shipping. I also have a heat gun if you want to borrow it.

Here's the first piece I created using FOSShape.

The Good Side of Technology Meets the Fiber Arts

Look at this fabulous fabric Susan created on her iPad and had printed. She used photos she took on a trip. Woozer!

Susan recommends Susie Monday's online courses on creating digital art using an iPad. Here's a link to her site:  Zoom Lectures, Workshops, & More —

Georgia Mountains to the Share Exhibit
If you are in the area of Watkinsville, GA check out the exhibit and Cynthia's and Sara's work. The address of the art center is 34 School Street, Watkinsville, GA 30677.

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December Meeting

Sara shared some quilts that she made in a Katie Pasquini Masopust's (Home - KatiepmColor and Composition Online Class. My bad for not taking photos, was too enthralled by the quilts. I have registered for the class that begins in January. (Online Classes - Katiepm). Cynthia has taken a class from Katie PM also and it was of great value to hear both her experience and Sara's.

Cool Products

FOSSHAPE: We discussed some interesting products and here's one Charline and I will be experimenting with to make 3-D fabric pieces. Karen also has some of this product. The brochure states "this unique felt-like fabric is heat activated to achieve rigidity, stiffness and surface enhancement without the use of water, or messy or hazardous additives." They refer to it as FOSSHAPE. The website is

Wool Pressing Mat - Charline covered her ironing board with this.

Fiber/Fabric Bowls

I appreciate everyone's advice on my fabric bowl-making adventure in the style of Hilde Mirin (tutorial - Hilde Morin Fiber Art). Check out her beautiful pieces on her website. (bowls -  Hilde Morin Fiber Art).

Now for the Fun Stuff-Create and Share

We decided to have a mini-quilt exchange at our April meeting. Those who want to participate should let me know by our January meeting. The basics are we will make "x" number of 4"x6" pieces (x = the number of us who want to participate) and we will exchange them in April, much like a cookie swap. Some have participated in postcard exchanges and this is similar. There are no rules on design, materials, etc. except it must have finished edges, bound, zigzagged, etc. and be ready to display somehow. You can do a traditional block, modern block, artsy block, embellished piece, gel print on fabric, hand painted fabric, cut up a piece you don't like and make it fabulous in a 4x6 format, the sky is the limit.

Sara's Watkinsville, GA Class in January

Heads up especially to those who live in Elberton (you wild and crazy quilters). It's a fun class on fabric portraits. I will post details and pictures as soon as possible.

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November Meeting

We were treated to super work by Cynthia and Karen at this month's meeting. Take a look below.

Shared by Cynthia:


Close-up detail below:

Hand dyed fabrics:


The book recommended by Cynthia; some of her fabrics were stitched with patterns from this book for dyeing.

Shared by Karen:

Thanks to Trish and Karen for donating some cord and yarn to "my cause." I have put in a lot of practice hours and hope to have some vessels to share in December.

October Meeting

Thanks again to Carolina Quilt Studio for providing a generous space for the group to chat and share our work. Take a look at some of the work:

Shared by Sara (back from her "off the grid" time)


October Meeting

Thanks again to Carolina Quilt Studio for providing a generous space for the group to chat and share our work. Take a look at some of the work:

Shared by Sara (back from her "off the grid" time)

Sara made these from a piece she created in a Sheila Cooper Frampton class that she was not happy with as a "whole" piece. She cut them in to small quilts and mounted them. A success indeed!

Sara's favorite technique is thread painting. Zoom in one some of the work in this super fun piece.

Shared by Cynthia:
Cynthia has been making fabric with a marbling technique. She said she may tackle the first print below as a whole cloth piece with some type of shimmering thread to reveal the oysters below the surface. This gave most of us in the group a new vision of what can be created using marbling. 


Shared by Johnnie:

I'm calling this one 80/20, my recipe for compost. 80% carbon, 20% nitrogen.

Still deciding whether to embellish the one below.

= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =

Great Gel Plate Printing Interview with Bobbi Baugh

Central Canada Regional Meeting with Boibbi Baugh - Zoom

Also, check out her website for more info. Bobbi Baugh StudioBobbi Baugh Studio

Nuno Felting Class

Karen and I took Cecelia Ho's nuno felting class and made scarves. I really had no idea what to expect but was thrilled with my project, a double-sided scarf on silk. Cecelia is a fabulous artist and super teacher. Thanks Cecelia!

September Meeting

Thanks to Natalie for introducing us to an extremely talented quilt artist - Irene Roderick. You'll find a link to her website on my main page. I watched one of her how-to videos of the components she uses and learned some great tips. I will try to get into one of her Dancing with the Wall workshops soon.

Here are some projects by Natalie that wowed us:

This is the one from the Dancing with the Wall workshop.

Debbie shared mixed media projects and shared resources, as well as fueling our creativity and imagination.

We didn't let the weather outside the shop stop us from experimenting with a gel plate (the heat and breeze dried the ink so very fast). Linda and Debbie have made their own gel plate and shared the 4/1/1 recipe. I found quite a few on Pinterest and YouTube. Here's just one: How to Make a Permanent Gelli Plate - Quick Vid - YouTube

My 8'x10" plate was indeed on my porch when I got home. If any members of the group want to borrow either or both plates and some paint to experiment before jumping in full speed, please let me know. I have some more slow-dry medium and a few templates arriving this week. The main reason I jumped into this arena is because I can't find commercial fabric for a project I want to enter in an exhibit in 2023 and since I'm not an illustrator I think I can come close to what I have in mind as a background just playing around with the plate and some dark paints.

August Meeting

Members shared a lot of information about dyeing techniques and material resources, three resources to remember are TESTFABRICSHome ( Trading Co. Homepage. Linda shared a new nonwoven textile in her projects: Evelon is a good search term to find those. Lots of classes coming up for members including workshops with Jamie Wallen (Quilters Apothecary), Bali Wedding Star (Quiltworx) at Carolina Quilt Studio, and more online learning.

Below are pictures of projects shared. 

Shared by Tricia:

Shared by Charline:
Shared by Cynthia:

Shared by Karen: 

Shared by Sara (via email) who is still on the mends from a fall. This is a piece she created in a Sheila Frampton Cooper class.

Shared by Johnnie:

Next meeting: September 8th, 2:00 p.m., Carolina Quilt Studio.

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July Meeting

Thanks to Dale and the entire Carolina Quilt Studio team for welcoming us in July. 

Below are pictures of some of the projects shared.

Shared by Cynthia:

Shared by Karen:

Shared by Donny:
Russia vs. Ukraine
Russia vs. Ukraine

August SC/GA SAQA Regional Meeting:     

Anyone interested in attending the August meeting as a guest, please contact me and I'll share the Zoom link.

August 16, 2022, 10:30AM 
Guest Terry Hartzell shares Color on Fabric: Selecting the right surface design for
your project. Laura Leiden will guest host.

July Meeting - July 14th, 2:00 - 4:00 pm at Carolina Quilt Studio
Dale Hernandez

June Meeting Summary

Our thanks to Cynthia for bringing her Janome felting (needle punch) machine, samples, and tools. We learned a lot about felting. Cynthia makes terrific cards, which I had never thought of but see in my future. Natalie brought a felted purse and shawl, both knockouts. I wish I had taken pictures. Also, Gayle brought samples of what she created in Cecelia Ho's class and they were so helpful to understand the difference in wet felting and regular felting. Again, I took no pictures 🙁🙁🙁.

Cynthia's Janome felting machine and the work she has done on it got me on a hunt for one similar. You wouldn't believe how many sites I visited and dealers in the Southeast I called. Seems like they are out of style. I looked online, eBay, etc. with no luck. Then I started pursuing a needle punch foot for my Bernina. Nothing local but found the folks at Sew Much Fun in Lowell, NC. They were so professional and friendly. They had a stitch plate in stock but had to order the foot and they went the extra mile to make sure all the components would work on my 440. The foot should arrive next week. Woohoo! I have so many ideas to explore.

Natalie shared a most unique piece (and I took pictures) that is absolutely fascinating and beautiful. I can't begin to describe the technique but I will definitely research it and ask questions next meeting. I believe you can find more on this technique on Betty Busby's website:  Betty Busby ( . It's so organic! The discussion of the piece brought up digital cutters like Cricut and Silhouette. I think The Quilt Show has a fairly recent focus on using one of these. All of this is new to me and provides more opportunities to explore. 

Inspiration! Gayle brought a photo she took of a leaf with water droplets on it. If anyone knows a good technique for creating a transparent water droplet (need multiple sizes) on an art quilt, please let Gayle or me know.  I hope everyone will bring inspiration pieces because there is such a rich resource of knowledge and experience in our group that we all can learn from.

Cool Links Page. Check out the links that I have added and please send me some of your favorite links. We all can enjoy and learn. If there is anything else you want to post on this blog, please send it. I decided I don't want to clog your Inboxes and this is the most convenient way to send out info. I will, however, send out a meeting reminder email a week before the second Thursday.

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2025-January - Great start to a new, creative year

 Great to see the creative energy in the group!  Here's a fun link:   Sophie O'Neill's Detailed Embroidery Journals Chronicle Al...